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Stage 1. Design study for isotope separation cascade (15.12.2012)



The overall aim of the project is to build a carbon monoxide distilation cascade composed of three distillation columns which have an average height, a common condenser, a common vacuum jacket, shared common thermal insulation ( reflective film ) and boilers for each column. From the perspective of establishing the technological scheme for the coupling of separation columns, after researching  various coupling possibilities of the 3 columns it was decided that carbon monoxide is feed to the first column, and the later enriched gas from the bottom of the column I to be fed at top of column II , and the gas from the base of column II to the top of the column bottoms III based on the pressure difference. From the top of column III and the top of column II gas will be pumped at the bottom of column II or I, and the waste will be pumped in a waste tank, where it will be compressed . The chosen solution, with a common condenser is based on obtaining a better separation factor and the use of fewer pumps, equipment costs beeing reduced. Later ​​a series of calculations were made regarding the three columns sizing, loading process, the number of plates required , these calculations of " trial and error " giving  an image of the cascade size , of flows required, of raw material quantity, of the amount of product and waste produced and their concentrations . A number of other constraints of space, the amount of raw material available , the liquid nitrogen quantity allowed to be consumed should also be considered. We have done computations related to the hold -up of the columns, equilibrium reaching time, material balance, material consumption, the start-up procedure of the columns was established. Regarding the study of construction and operation of a common capacitor for the 3 columns , three studies were conducted for three different solutions for the condenser, analyzing in each case the advantages and disadvantages of using a particular type of condenser. Choosing the final condenser is based on a number of its advantages over other proposed solutions , the main advantage consisting in a lower consumption of liquid nitrogen and simplification of automation process, the liquid nitrogen must then be maintained only within certain limits .Regarding the study of specific automation issues of the isotope separation cascade were highlighted the problems that arise from the coupling of the three columns. The automation problems of a single distillation column are maintained in this case , which are more complex due to the cascade structure which requires a supervisory control . The last activity in the first stage of the project is to calculate and design the insulation of the cascade separation columns .
From this point of view , the thermal conduction heat transfer process was analysied in terms of the thermal convection and thermal radiation , and subsequently were developed the calculation and the  design of thermal insulation, developing also the schematic diagram of vacuum aggregates . It can be concluded that after the first phase of this project all objectives were reachied and the expected results were achieved, highlighting the need to expand research and then design a pilot cascade and peripheral equipment , objectives to be pursued under phase II of this project. 

Published papers:

  1. Pop, C.-I., Ionescu, C. M., De Keyser, R. (2012), Time delay compensation for the secondary processes in a multivariable carbon isotope separation unit, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 80, pp. 205-218, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2012.06.043

  2. Muresan, C.-I., Both, R., Ionescu, C.M., Dulf, E.-H. (2012), Fractional Order Control for the Temperature Loop in a Chemical Reactor, 16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, IEEE Catalog Number CFP1236P-CDR, ISBN 978-606-834-848-3, 12-14 octombrie 2012, Sinaia

  3. Muresan, C.-I., Dulf, E.H., Ionescu, C. (2012), Multivariable Fractional Order PI Controller for Time Delay Processes, International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, 27-29 decembrie 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Stage 2. Research and design of the isotope separation pilot plant
identification, modeling and controller desigin 
( 15.12.2013 )



The second stage of the research contract aimed at researching and designing the pilot plant for separation and identification , process modeling and controller design . Some of the activities carried out under this steps will continue during stage 3 of the project , the implementation of automatic control and supervision system , experimentation of the separation plant as programmed in the implementation plan . Thus , during 2013 the experimental design and the external routes of movement of fluids were performed. Based on these designs , it was established a variant of automatic control system, developing the PI&D scheme . In parallel with these activities, a study of isotopic species balance and the implementation of system components and assemblies of the experimental pilot plant were conducted. The last two activities were aimed at establishing a first mathematical model for separation cascade and development of two variants of advanced control strategies for operating the isotope separation cascade . The latter two activities will continue throughout the implementation phase no. 3, where it will establish a new model based on experimental identification and also be validated. Also the developed control strategies will be implemented and tested in pilot plant experiments, as stipulated in the Image Gallery . In terms of objectives, they have been fully met and the proposed results were exceeded in terms of number of publications funded by the present project.

Published papers:

1. Muresan, C.I., Dulf, E.H., Both, R., Palfi, A., Caprioru, M. (2013),Microcontroller Implementation of a Multivariable Fractional Order PIController, The 9th International Conference on Control Systems andComputer Science (CSCS19-2013), IEEE Catalog Number E4980, ISBN:978-0-7685-4980-4, pp. 44-51, 29-31 May, Bucharest, Romania

2. A.Cioloca, R.Both, R.Festila, Model validation, simulation and control for ammonia synthesis column,IEEE 8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, May 23-25, 2013 * Timisoara, Romania

3. Both, R., Muresan, C.I., Dulf, E.H., Dulf, F.V. (2013), MicrocontrollerImplementation of Digital Fractional Order Controllers for Time Delay Processes, The 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation,25-28 June, Platanias-Chania, Crete, Greece

4. Muresan, C.I., Mois, G., Folea, S., Ionescu, C. (2013), Alternative Implementations of a Fractional Order Control Algorithm on FPGAs, International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), ISBN: 978-1-4799-2078-5 , DOI: 10.1109/ReConFig.2013.6732269, pp. 1-6, 9-11 December, Cancun, Mexic

5. E. Dulf, R. Both, C. Festila, M. Gretinger (2013), Non-conventional techniques for frequency response function measurement and analysis, 7th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing Joint Conference SINTES 17, SACCS 13, SIMSIS 17, 11 - 13 October 2013, DOI: 10.1109/ICSTCC.2013.6688957,  pp. 181 – 186, Sinaia, Romania

6. A.Cioloca, R.Both, R.Festila (2013), Vertical ammonia synthesis reactor: modeling, simulation and control principles, Buletinul Ştiintific al Universităţii “Politehnica” din Timişoara, România, Seria Automatica si Calculatoare Vol. 58(72),no, 2

Accepted papers:

1. Muresan, C.I., Dulf,  E.H., Ionescu, C. (2013), Robustness Evaluationof a Multivariable Fractional Order PI Controller for Processes withMultiple Time Delays, IASTED Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems,accepted, June 2013

Under review papers:

1. Dulf, E.-H., Dulf, F.V., Pop, C.I., Fractional Model of the Cryogenic(13C) Isotope Separation Column, Chemical Engineering Communications,under review

2. Dulf,E.-H., Muresan, C.I., Unguresan, M.L., Modeling the (15N) IsotopeSeparation Column, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, under review

Finalized / in progress activities:

  1. Design of the experimental plant

  2. Design of the exterior fluid flow circuit

  3. Design of a version of control system

  4. Design of the elements and components for the separation column

  5. Modeling of the isotope separation cascade

  6. Design of the control strategies for the isotope separation cascade

  7. Acquisitions of the necessary equipments

  8. Result disemmination

Stage 3. Automatic control design, testing of the separation cascade     
 ( 15.12.2014 )



The third phase of the research contract aimed at achieving the implementation of the components and sub-assemblies of the isotopic separation cascade, their mounting, testing the pilot plant in order to determine the optimum operating parameters and the development of a mathematical model, the development of new control strategies for the three isotope separation columns and designing a supervisory system design for increased efficiency and optimal operation of the cascade. Over the year 2014 the pilot plant design and the external routes of movement of fluids was finalized, which were mounted. Also a series of tests were conducted to determine the sequence for start-up / shut-down of the pilot plant and continuous mode of operation. Based on experimental results a MIMO and a fractional order mathematical model were developed. These last two activities will continue throughout the implementation phase number 4 if it will be necessary to adjust some modeling parameters.  Various control strategies were designed starting from robust algorithms, predictive control methods, multivariable time delay compensation solutions, multivariable fractional order control strategies. In terms of objectives, they have been fully met and the proposed results were exceeded in terms of number of publications funded by the present project.

Published papers:

1. Dulf, E.H., Both, R., Muresan, C.I. (2014), Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for a Separation Column, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3731-8, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2014.6857906, 22-24 May, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2. M. Gretinger, M. Secara, Cl. Festila, Eva H. Dulf (2014), Chirp signal generators for  frequency response experiments, IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3731-8, pp. 1-4 , DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2014.6857860, 22-24 May, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

3. Muresan, C.I. (2014), Fractional Calculus: From Simple Control Solutions to Complex Implementation Issues, chapter in Machado, J.A.T., Baleanu, D., Luo, A. (eds) “Discontinuity and Complexity in Nonlinear Physical Systems”, Nonlinear Systems and Complexity Volume 6, pp. 113-134, ISBN: 978-3-319-01410-4, ISSN: 2195-9994, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-01411-1__7, Springer, Switzerland

4. Ionescu, C.M., Muresan, C.I., Dulf, E.H., Both, R. (2014), Analysis of control strategy for series distillation columns, 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA, ISBN: 978-80-02-02555-9, paper G5.8, 23-27 August, Prague, Czech Republic

5. Eva H. Dulf, Roxana Both, Cristina I. Muresan, Networked Control of a Fractional Order PI Controller for the 13C Isotope Separation Column, The European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ISBN: 978-3-200-03433-4, 6-11 July, Wien, Austria

6. Roxana Both, E.H. Dulf, C.I. Muresan, Fractional order PD controller applied to the Boiler of a 13C Cryogenic Isotope Separation Column, The European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ISBN: 978-3-200-03433-4, 6-11 July, Wien, Austria

7. Muresan, C.I., Dulf,  E.H., Ionescu, C. (2014), Robustness Evaluation of a Multivariable Fractional Order PI Controller for Processes with Multiple Time Delays, Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems, ActaPress, Vol. 42, No. 2, March 2014

8. Dulf, E.-H., Muresan, C.I., Unguresan, M. L. (2014), Modeling the (15N) Isotope Separation Column, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, Vol. 52, No.1, pp. 115-131, DOI: 10.1007/s10910-013-0248-2 (IF = 1.270)

Accepted papers:

1. E.H. Dulf, R.Both, R.Munteanu, Cl.Festila, M.Secara (2014), Variable DC Power Sources for 13C Isotope Separation Column Boiler Supply, International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing ICSTCC 2014, Sinaia, Romania, 17-19 October 2014

2. Roxana Both, E.H. Dulf, C.I. Muresan, Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for Chemical Reactor, 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, 22-28 September 2014

3. Eva-Henrietta Dulf, Francisc-Vasile Dulf, Cristina-Ioana Pop (Muresan) (2014), Fractional Model of the Cryogenic (13C) Isotope Separation Column, Chemical Engineering Communication, Doi:, accepted (IF = 0.788)

Under review papers:

1. Clara Ionescu, Roxana Both; Cristina Muresan; Eva Dulf; Mihai  Gligan; Clement Festila; Robin De Keyser (2014), Control of a  train of high purity distillation columns for efficient production of 13C isotopes, Computers & Chemical Engineering, under review

2. Cristina I. Muresan, Eva H. Dulf, Roxana Both (2014), Comparative analysis of different control strategies for a train of cryogenic 13C separation columns, Chemical Engineering Technology, under review


1.Eva-Henrietta Dulf, Radu A. Munteanu, Clement Festila, Radu Munteanu, Direct, simplified, relay based algorithm for frequency analysis, Patent proposal A00894/20.11.2014








The goals of the fourth stage of the research consist in design, implementation and testing of control structures for the cascade of three isotope separation columns, improve the process monitoring system and testing the process in different conditions. In terms of objectives, they have been fully met.

Published papers:

1. Muresan Cristina-Ioana, Dulf Eva-Henrietta, Both Roxana, Comparative analysis of different control strategies for a train of cryogenic 13C separation columns, Chemical Engineering Technology (IF 2,442) , 2015, Vol. 38, No.4, pp. 619-631

2. Folea S., Mois G., Muresan C.I., Miclea L., deKeyser R., Cirsta M., Implementation of an extended prediction self-adaptive controller using LabVIEWTM, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN),, DOI: 10.1109/INDIN.2015.7281852, 2015, pp. 883-888

3. Ionescu C., Both R., Festila C., M. Gligan, deKeyser R., Control of a train of high purity distillation columns for efficient production of 13C isotopes, Proceedings of The 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS20-2015), DOI: 10.1109/CSCS.2015.150, pp. 49-56

4. Festila C., Dulf E.H., Both R., Modeling and Simulation of a DC Supply with Load Power Control, Proceedings of the ACEMP-OPTIM-ELECTROMOTION Joint Conference, 2015,!ALm7ItNF_6EFcuA&id=6ADACEAF7D8AD437!2654&cid=6ADACEAF7D8AD437&group=0

5. Both R., Dulf E., Muresan C.I., Secara M., Fractional order PD control of an isotope separation columns cascade, Proceedings of IEEE 10th Jubilee International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2015.7208197, pp. 193-196

6. Festila C., Both R., Secara M., Dulf E.H., Chetan S., Original Extremum Control Method Implemented in MPP Photovoltaic Systems, Proceedings of 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing, 2015

Accepted papers:

1. Both Roxana, Dulf Eva-Henrietta, Cormos Ana-Maria, Advanced control of a complex chemical process, BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (IF 1,043), accepted

Under review papers:

1. Folea Silviu, Mois George, Muresan Cristina-Ioana, Miclea Liviu, De Keyser Robain, Cirstea Marcian, A Portable Implementation on Industrial Devices of a Predictive Controller using Graphical Programming, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, Under review

International exhibitions of inventions awards:

1. Gold medal to E.H.Dulf, R.A. Munteanu, Cl. Festila, R. Munteanu for "Nonconventional algorithm for frequency analysis", 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, 15-19 April, 2015

2. Gold medal to E.H.Dulf, R.A. Munteanu, Cl. Festila, R. Munteanu for "Nonconventional algorithm for frequency analysis", 64th edition Bruxelles–EUREKA INNOVA  19-21 November 2015, Bruxelles, BELGIUM

3. Premiul Belgiei şi Poloniei la 64th edition Bruxelles–EUREKA INNOVA  19-21 November 2015, Bruxelles, BELGIUM

4. Diploma de excelenţă şi medalia de aur se acordă Dulf E.H., Munteanu A.R., Festila C., Munteanu R pentru "ALGORITM NECONVENŢIONAL DE ANALIZĂ FRECVENŢIALĂ", Salonul Internaţional de Inventică PRO INVENT, ediţia a XIII-a, 2015, Cluj-Napoca

5. Diploma de excelenţă se acordă Dulf E.H., Munteanu A.R., Festila C., Munteanu R pentru "ALGORITM NECONVENŢIONAL DE ANALIZĂ FRECVENŢIALĂ", Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte, Centrul de Cercetare "Nanomateriale pentru microsisteme mecanice", Salonul Internaţional de Inventică PRO INVENT, ediţia a XIII-a, 2015, Cluj-Napoca

6. CAI Award, Prize of China Delegation of the Exhibition presented to E.H.Dulf, R.A. Munteanu, Cl. Festila, R. Munteanu in recognition of the outstanding performance and idea demonstrated by the invention "Nonconventional algorithm for frequency analysis", 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, 15-19 April, 2015

7. Diploma for the Rostislav Alekseev Award given to E.H.Dulf, R.A. Munteanu, Cl. Festila, R. Munteanu for "Nonconventional algorithm for frequency analysis", 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, 15-19 April, 2015

8. Gold medal with special mention offered to E.H.Dulf, R.A. Munteanu, Cl. Festila, R. Munteanu for "Nonconventional algorithm for frequency analysis", The XIX-th International Exhibition of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer "Inventica 2015", Iasi, Romania, June 24-26, 2015


The goals of the fifth stage (last stage) of the research consist in determining the technological data for an adequate industrial transfer of the results obtained. The design data was developed by all the partners CO, P1, P2 based on all the scientific, technic, technological, automation and experimental informations obtained throughout the project. In terms of objectives, they have been fully met.

Published papers:

1. Both Roxana, Dulf Eva-Henrietta, Cormos Ana-Maria, Advanced control of a complex chemical process, BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (IF 1,043)

2. Folea Silviu, Mois George, Muresan Cristina-Ioana, Miclea Liviu, De Keyser Robain, Cirstea Marcian, A Portable Implementation on Industrial Devices of a Predictive Controller using Graphical Programming, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS,(IF 7,24)

3.Clara M. IONESCU, Dana COPOT, Anca MAXIM, Eva Dulf, Robin DE KEYSER, Roxana Both, Robust Autotuning MPC for chemical process applications, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), DOI: 10.1109/AQTR.2016.7501356

4. Rusu-Both Roxana and Dulf Eva-Henrietta, Auto-tuning fractional order control of a laboratory scale equipment, 2016 International Conference on Mechatronics, Control and Automation Engineering, DOI: 10.2991/mcae-16.2016.12

5. C. Festila, R.Rusu-Both, E-H. Dulf, M.Secara, The Linear and Nonlinear Behavior Analysis for RC-Filters, 2016 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), DOI: 10.1109/SACI.2016.7507403

6. S. Chetan, C. Festila, E.-H. Dulf, Photovoltaic Panel Structural Models for Control, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), 10.1109/AQTR.2016.7501334

Accepted book chapter:

1. Rusu-Both Roxana, Dynamic Mathematical Modeling and Advanced Control Strategies for Complex Hydrogenation Process, Hydrogenation, INTECH, ISBN 978-953-51-4942-2 (in publishing)


Stage 4. Automatic control design, implementation and  testing of the separation cascade control and monitoring system  ( 15.12.2015 )


Stage 5. Technological data for industrial transfer  ( 1.12.2016 )


© 2013 UTCN

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